Head of the sub-department:

Dražen Rastovski, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Dražen Rastovski, Ph.D.


Assistant Professor



Office Nr.


Research interests

Swimming, kinesiological methodology, kinesiological education


Dražen Rastovski was born in Osijek on April 8, 1970, where he finished primary and secondary school. He is a Croatian citizen. and graduated on the Faculty of Kinesiology in Zagreb in 1998 and became a professor of physical culture with an additional specialization - water sports. Since 1999 he has been working at the City Swimmingpool in Osijek where he starts and runs a swimming school with children of all ages. He has been working at the Teachers' College in Osijek since 2001 as an external associate, and since 2003 he has been permanently employed as a lecturer for the subject Physical and Health Culture. As part of his work at the Teachers' College, he leads methodological exercises in the subject Methodology of Physical Education and Health, leads Kinesiological Culture, and in 2003 he introduced the elective subject Swimming, for which he fully developed the curriculum, both for five-year teacher training and for preschool professional study. Since the academic year 2007/2008. introduces a new course, Kinesiology practicum, for which he posted his lectures on the Faculty's website in the same year. In 2004, he won the Annual Award of the Croatian Association of Sports Recreation, for his contribution to the training of non-swimmers in the Republic of Croatia. In the same year, by the decision of the Ministry of the Republic of Croatia, he was appointed a member of the commission for the development of a plan of program activities and the implementation of swimming training. Since November 2008, he has been the vice president of the Association of Kinesiologists of the City of Osijek. From the academic year 2017/18. he also works in Kinesiology where he teaches Swimming and recreation.

List of publications (CROSBI link)

CROSBI Dražen Rastovski

Members of the sub-department:

Daria Župan Tadijanov, Assistant Professor, Ph.D.

Name and surname

Daria Župan Tadijanov Ph.D.


Assistant Professor



Office number


Research interests

Kinesiology teaching methods, kinesiology education, physical activity and physical education


Daria Župan Tadijanov, a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Education (Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek), was born in Osijek, where she has gained primary and secondary education (III. Grammar School). In 2010 she graduated from the Faculty of Kinesiology (University of Zagreb) with a major in Kinesitherapy. A year later she enrolled on a postgraduate doctoral study programme in Kinesiology, field of specialisation: Kinesiology Education. The dissertation title is "Determining Differences in Kinantrophological Characteristics of Students With Cochlear Implants Included in the Compulsory Teaching of Physical Education From the Standpoint of Etiology“. From 2008 to 2015, Daria Župan Tadijanov worked as a Physical Education teacher in several primary and secondary schools in Osijek. She also worked as a teacher at the Universal Sports School in Osijek from 2008 to 2010, and a conditioning trainer at TK Olimpija from 2010 to 2014. In February 2015, she was appointed Lecturer in Social Sciences, field of Kinesiology. In May 2017, she received a Charter of Appreciation for creating a new study programme for Kinesiology. The areas of her research interests are: kinesiology teaching methods, kinesiology education, physical activity, and P. E. Within the field of kinesiology, she has published several papers in scientific and professional journals, and has appeared at several international scientific and professional conferences.

List of publications (CROSBI link)

•Klaričić, I. i Farkaš, D. Razlike u natjecateljskoj učinkovitosti smeča u procesu napada i kontranapada. //Zbornik radova 22. ljetne škola kineziologa Republike Hrvatske / Findak, V. (ur.). Zagreb: Hrvatski kineziološki savez, 2013. 218-222 (objavljeni rad, znanstveni).

•Farkaš, D., Branko, J. i Tomac, Z. High School Students' Attitudes and Interests Toward Sporting Activities and Physical Education Syllabus Content. 3rd International Scientific Conference „EXERCISE AND QUALITY OF LIFE 2013“ / Madić, D. (ur.) Novi Sad: Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, 2013.  315-320 (objavljeni rad, znanstveni).

•Papec, M., Farkaš, D., Štriga Đapić, S. Trends in increase of functional abilities in primary school students. 8th FIEP European Congress „Physical Education and Sports Perspective of Children and Youth in Europe“ / Zapletalova, L. (ur.). Bratislava: Comenius University, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, 2013. 172-173 (sažetak, znanstveni)

•Vidranski, Tihomir; Tomac, Zvonimir; Farkaš, Daria.
Indicators of Kinantrophologic characteristics in Students with Cochlear Implants in Individualized pe class program creation // Proceedings book 9th Fiep European Congress and 7th International Scientific Congress „Sport, stress, adaptation” / Daniela Dasheva, Branislav Antala, SteNa Djobova, Milena Kuleva (ur.).
Sofia : SoIa 1700, Studentski grad, naOonal Sports Academy “ Vassil Levski”, 2014. 454-458 (poster,međunarodna recenzija,objavljeni rad,znanstveni).

•Farkaš, Daria; Tomac, Zvonimir; Petrić, Vilko; Novak, Dario.
Anthropometric characteristics and obesity indicators among preschool children in an urban area in Croatia. // Graduate Journal of Sport, Exercise & Physical Education Research. 3 (2015) ; 13-27 (članak, znanstveni)

•Vidranski, Tihomir; Tomac, Zvonimir; Farkaš, Daria.
Motor proficiency of students with cochlear implants. // Croatian Review of Rehabilitation Research. 51 (2015) , 1; 1-9 (članak, znanstveni).  

•Vidranski, Tihomir; Farkaš, Daria.
Motor Skills in Hearing Impaired Children With or Without Cochlear Implant - A Systematic Review. // Collegium antropologicum. Supplement. 39 (2015) , Suppl. 1; 173-179 (pregledni rad, znanstveni).  

•Krešimir Ižaković; Branko Jovanovac; Daria Župan: Influence of the frequency of physical activities on anthropometric characteristics of male and female students at the Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek / Utjecaj učestalosti tjelesnih aktivnosti na antropometrijska obilježja studenata i studentica Poljoprivrednog fakulteta u Osijeku, Zbornik radova 5. međunarodnog znanstvenog simpozija “Gospodarstvo istočne Hrvatske – vizija i razvoj”,održanog u Osijeku, 2.-4.lipnja 2016., str. 411.-421

•Đapić Štriga, S., Farkaš, D., Kolić, L. (2013). Kondicijska priprema vojnika. 11. godišnja međunarodna konferencija "Kondicijska priprema sportaša 2013" / Jukić, I., Gregov, C., Šalaj, S., Milanović, L., Wertheimer, V. (ur.). Zagreb: Kineziološki fakultet Zagreb, Udruga kondicijskih trenera Hrvatske, 363-368 (objavljeni rad, stručni).

•Budetić, Vedran; Velki, Tena; Župan, Daria.
Odnos bavljenja sportskim aktivnostima i socio- emocionalni razvoj adolescenata. // Zbornik 26. ljetne škole kineziologija Republike Hrvatske: Kineziološke kompetencije u područjima edukacije, sporta, sportske rekreacije i kineziterapije / Findak, Vladimir (ur.). Poreč, 2017. 127-131 (predavanje,domaća recenzija,objavljeni rad).

Jurica Lovrinčević, Senior Lecturer
Matej Zrno, expert associate